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Where are Tilray’s corporate headquarters?
Tilray’s head office and its registered and records office is located at 245 Talbot St W Leamington ON N8H4H3
When was Tilray incorporated?
Tilray, Inc. was incorporated in Delaware in January 2018.
Who are the members of Tilray’s Management Team?

You can view our Management team by visiting the Management section on our website.

Who are the members of Tilray’s Board of Directors?

You can view our Board of Directors by visiting the Board of Directors section on our website.

On which exchange is Tilray listed and what is the ticker symbol?
Tilray is traded on The Nasdaq Global Select Market and on The Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) under the symbol TLRY.
Who is Tilray’s independent registered public accounting firm?
Tilray’s independent registered public accounting firm is PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP.
Who is Tilray’s legal counsel?
Tilray’s lead legal counsel is DLA Piper.
When is Tilray’s fiscal year end?
Tilray’s fiscal year end is May 31.
When did Tilray go public?
Tilray priced its initial public offering on July 18, 2018 and began trading on Nasdaq Global Select Market on July 19, 2018.
When did Tilray close its transaction with Aphria?
The transaction that created the “New Tilray” closed on April 30, 2021. Tilray’s shares have continuously traded on NASDAQ since the IPO and began trading on the TSX on May 5, 2021.
How can I obtain Tilray’s investor relations materials?

You can obtain Tilray’s investor relations material in the Investors section of our website.

How can I purchase shares?
Shares can be purchased through a stockbroker of your choice.
Does Tilray have a direct stock purchase plan?
Tilray does not offer a direct stock purchase plan.
Does Tilray pay dividends and have a dividend reinvestment program?
Currently, Tilray does not offer a dividend or a dividend reinvestment program.
Who is Tilray’s transfer agent and how do I contact them?

Investors should contact Tilray’s transfer agent listed below. A transfer agent manages and maintains the records of a company’s shares.

Philadelphia Stock Transfer, Inc.
2320 Haverford Road, Suite 230
Ardmore, PA 19003
Telephone: (484) 416-3124

How can I get a copy of your Annual Report or any other Investor materials (i.e., Investor Relations kit, Form 10-K)?

Quarterly & Annual Reports and other investor materials are available under the SEC Filings page of the investor relations section of the corporate website. Additionally, all SEC filings can also be accessed directly from the SEC website. Canadian filings can be accessed directly on the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR) at

Where can I find recent Tilray press releases?

Please visit the Email Alerts section of our corporate website and select which alerts you would like to receive.

Who can I contact if I am a member of the media?

Please visit the Contact section of our website.

Where can I find more information on Tilray’s products?

You can view Tilray’s products by visiting the Products section of our website.

How can I sign up to receive Tilray’s press releases and other company information?

Please visit the Email Alerts section of our corporate website and select which alerts you would like to receive.

If I have questions regarding Tilray that have not been answered, whom should I contact?

Please visit the Contact section of our website.


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